‘Surrender to Art’

…Is our credo and slogan. The mission of Psyche Surrealism is to encourage people to use their psyche to their fullest potential. We use surrealism as a vehicle to communicate philosophical concepts that can positively impacts our customers . That is the culture of my company that is cultivate through intentional designing, and conscious operations. Our core belief is that art is essential to society to perpetuates culture, evolve consciousness, and influences collective perceptions of reality. The art we make are designed to instill creativity, encourage philosophical thought, and bring beauty and vibrancy into our customers daily lives.

Company Culture

  • We value creative expression through art and philosophical thinking because we believe it is an innate human instinct.

  • We respect and embrace complex identities and never discriminate against people for their unique attributes.

  • We respect our customers, suppliers, and employees, maintaining healthy and mutually beneficial relationships.

  • We respect the Earth and are constantly working hard to reduce our environmental impact.