Pagan Circles and Eternal Deja Vu.jpg

Pagan Circles and Eternal Déjà-Vu

(Acrylic on Canvas board, 18in. x 23.5in. created in 2019)

During my Senior year of high school I began experimenting with acrylic paint, and this painting was one that resulted from that year. I used this painting as a way to synthesize many of the knowledge I was obtaining from my AP English class, as well as personal-growth experiences that I was having at the time. I saw myself as the alien, going through life in a trance yet guided by my higher genius who occasionally sees a glimpse into the ‘ultimate reality’. I was realizing all my habits and cyclical behaviors and wanted to document my insights as I broke old destructive habits and created healthier ones.

* Original painting available for sale, email for inquiries.


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