Natures Web

(Prisma Color pencils on board, 14.5 in. x 10.5 in. created in 2019)

Natures Web was a spontaneous and unplanned artwork. Back in high school, I use to collect recycled canvas and scrap boards for future projects. One particular day, I was carrying around a scrap board to and from classes, and in my free time I constructed a geometric blueprint using a focal point, a ruler and my intuition. Composition is something I am very thoughtful about, because my imagination is mathematical and precise. After making the blueprint of lines and shapes, I started to draw small ecosystems in each cell and eventually filled the page with a collection of natural habitats. From tiny micro-organisms to gigantic solar systems, I had drawn the fractal universe in its web of cause and effect as I understood it. In hindsight, I realize I was using this artwork as a means of synthesizing knowledge obtained through my Environmental studies class. This is one of the ways I have used art in my life, to compliment my assignments and process things that I learn in school.


Central Consciousness


Pagan Circles and Eternal Déjà-Vu